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Most habitat and range descriptions were obtained from Weakley's Flora.

Your search found 9 taxa in the family Papaveraceae, Poppy family, as understood by PLANTS National Database.


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Bloodroot, Red Puccoon

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Sanguinaria canadensis   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Sanguinaria canadensis   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Sanguinaria canadensis 085-01-001   FAMILY: Papaveraceae


Habitat: Moist nutrient-rich forests

Common (uncommon in Coastal Plain)

Native to the Carolinas & Georgia


drawing of Argemone albiflora var. albiflora, White Prickly-poppy, Carolina Poppy need picture of Argemone albiflora var. albiflora, White Prickly-poppy, Carolina Poppy need picture Argemone albiflora var. albiflora, White Prickly-poppy, Carolina Poppy need picture of Argemone albiflora var. albiflora, White Prickly-poppy, Carolina Poppy need picture of Argemone albiflora var. albiflora, White Prickly-poppy, Carolina Poppy
range map

Common Name: White Prickly-poppy, Carolina Poppy

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Argemone albiflora var. albiflora   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Argemone albiflora ssp. albiflora   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

INCLUDED WITHIN Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Argemone albiflora 085-02-001   FAMILY: Papaveraceae


Habitat: Sandy roadsides and disturbed areas

Uncommon in Coastal Plain, rare in Piedmont

Native to the Carolinas & Georgia (presumably): but perhaps adventive


range map

camera icon Common Name: Mexican Prickly-poppy, Mexican Poppy

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Argemone mexicana   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Argemone mexicana   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Argemone mexicana 085-02-002   FAMILY: Papaveraceae


Habitat: Sandy roadsides and disturbed areas


Native: south Florida, West Indies, southward?


range map

speaker icon Common Name: Greater-celandine, Rock-poppy, Swallow-wort

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Chelidonium majus   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

INCLUDING PLANTS National Database: Chelidonium majus var. majus   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Chelidonium majus 085-04-001   FAMILY: Papaveraceae


Habitat: Moist slopes, shaded roadsides, rocky forests


Non-native: Eurasia


range map

camera icon Common Name: Opium Poppy, Breadseed Poppy

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Papaver somniferum   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Papaver somniferum   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Papaver somniferum 085-05-001   FAMILY: Papaveraceae


Habitat: Disturbed areas


Non-native: Mediterranean Europe & Asia Minor


range map

camera icon Common Name: Corn Poppy, Field Poppy, Red Poppy, Flanders Poppy

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Papaver rhoeas   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Papaver rhoeas   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Papaver rhoeas 085-05-002   FAMILY: Papaveraceae


Habitat: Disturbed areas


Non-native: Eurasia & northern Africa


range map

camera icon Common Name: Long-headed Poppy, Blind Eyes

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Papaver dubium   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Papaver dubium   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968): Papaver dubium 085-05-004   FAMILY: Papaveraceae


Habitat: Roadsides, fields, disturbed areas

Uncommon in NC Mountains & NC Piedmont (rare elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)

Non-native: Europe


range map

camera icon speaker icon Common Name: Celandine-poppy, Woods-poppy

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Stylophorum diphyllum   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Stylophorum diphyllum   FAMILY: Papaveraceae


Habitat: Moist forests over calcareous rocks (such as limestone)


Native to Georgia Mountains (introduced elsewhere in GA-NC-SC)


drawing of Glaucium flavum, Yellow Hornpoppy, Yellow Horned-poppy, Sea-poppy need picture of Glaucium flavum, Yellow Hornpoppy, Yellow Horned-poppy, Sea-poppy need picture Glaucium flavum, Yellow Hornpoppy, Yellow Horned-poppy, Sea-poppy need picture of Glaucium flavum, Yellow Hornpoppy, Yellow Horned-poppy, Sea-poppy need picture of Glaucium flavum, Yellow Hornpoppy, Yellow Horned-poppy, Sea-poppy
range map

Common Name: Yellow Hornpoppy, Yellow Horned-poppy, Sea-poppy

Weakley's Flora: (4/24/22) Glaucium flavum   FAMILY: Papaveraceae

SYNONYMOUS WITH PLANTS National Database: Glaucium flavum   FAMILY: Papaveraceae


Habitat: Disturbed areas

Non-native: Mediterranean Europe


Your search found 9 taxa. You are on page PAGE 1 out of 1 pages.

"O heavenly Father, who hast filled the world with beauty: Open our eyes to behold thy gracious hand in all thy works; that, rejoicing in thy whole creation, we may learn to serve thee with gladness; for the sake of him through whom all things were made, thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." — The Book of Common Prayer (according to the use of the Episcopal Church)